Or if you are in town and free, you could explore the darkness and how to kindle your flame in my Vocal Empowerment workshop next Saturday. I would be honored to have you spend the morning with me, even if you attended the previous one. Then we can sing together I Am Worthy!
And if you are farther away (or close by) consider joining with others online in collective kindling as this week I will be opening my online community!
\nI would love to have you as a founding member! Just click the button below and fill out a request for membership!
And finally we had an incredible Knightingale Studio Concert on Nov. 17th. Everyone sang with their souls and it was a powerful evening. The next morning, my heart was so full of love and warmth and I am thankful for everyone that sang and everyone that came out to support these beautiful folks!
\nI hope that in the days leading up to the Winter Solstice, Christmas and the New Year you can find time to light a candle at dusk and sit as the darkness descends and see what it might teach you. I will be thinking of you and sending you love and strength for the journey.
\nLove and light,
\n💜Mary Jane Knight
\n\n | \n $20.00 \nI Have A Voice, SATB Choral Octavo\nThis is an empowering anthem perfect for a high school, community, or church choir. The music is accessible with two... Read more | \n
\n | 332 E Davenport St., Iowa City, IA 52245-2106 | \n\n |
As a vocal artist, composer, sacred space holder, and host of Voices of Healing online community, Mary Jane is on a mission to help people discover the magic and healing power of the incredible, unique human voice. She sends a heartfelt and intentional newsletter once a month, designed to uplift and inspire. Words from her heart, straight to your inbox.
Dear friends💜, I hope this letter finds you safe and warm. So much change, division, unrest, hate and misunderstanding abound, and when I get overwhelmed with life, I simply have to rest. John O'Donohue, one of my favorite authors, says something along the lines of when you have been running at too fast a pace, you must rest to let your soul catch up with your body. I have to remember that often because I tend to sprint one day and crash the next. My heart is full of so many emotions these...
Hi friends💜, I am deeply thankful for your support in this world of unrest and division. Today I wanted to make sure you are the first to see my album cover and invite you to my album release concert! I am so excited (and slightly terrified) to release my debut album and its powerful message of self-worth. To truly claim our worthiness and power we must go deep inside where it is dark to find our inner light. When it seemed like literally everything around me was crumbling, this was all I...
Dear friends💜, I am sending love and a warm hug to you:) January has always been a cold and difficult month for me here in Iowa, but what gets me through is the returning of the light. The clouds of December melt away into frigid clear skies with gorgeous sunrises (that I'm awake for:) and sweeping sunsets that slowly creep later and later. Last week, we had a few unusually warm days. I took a walk and lifted my face to the sun, felt the ever so gentle warmth and let the white light seer into...