A Candle in the Darkness

Mary Jane's Musings

Monthly inspiration and updates!

Hi friends💜,

I hope this finds you stuffed with Thanksgiving leftovers and cozy and warm:) I am so thankful for many things and am especially thankful for you.

As the days get shorter and the temperature plummets, I have been particularly aware of the mystery of dusk: this descent into darkness we experience every day. It feels like dusk lasts longer now, maybe because the sun is already low in the sky or maybe because time feels slower this time of year. It is astounding how the light we take for granted during the day becomes magical and precious at dusk:

The last fleeting rays, the multicolored glow on the horizon, the gorgeous splendor of pink and blue clouds, the gray blue illumination of an overcast sky slowly fading. How the darkness of the trees and earth contrasts with the lightness of the sky until it slowly fades and the two toned horizon becomes a sea of black.

Unfortunately most of the time, I blaze through dusk with electric lights and busyness and completely miss the magic. I used to hate winter, the cold, and the descent of darkness. I still find it difficult but I have realized embracing the countdown to the longest night of the year, our collective descent into darkness, has become an important teacher. The darkness calling us to huddle, slow down and go inward. Unfortunately, our capitalistic culture gets us so busy with buying, planning, and doing that it is particularly hard to slow down and go inward.

Christmas Trees
Erected green giants
gaudy with lights
shiny and new,
while trees newly bare,
lonely brown leaves clinging,
hold on for dear life
as cold seeps in.
No more protection,
visible life.
All around
we bundle up
bustling around,
conjuring superficial cheer,
a band-aid
for our heart wounds.
A simple evergreen
lit with candles
illuminates the darkness.
Dimly lit
we face our nakedness
showing us wounds to heal
to hold
to caress
to finally
set free.

What would it feel like to go inward and intentionally love ourselves deeper as the light wanes? Gently rubbing salve on our wounds, taking time and space to grieve; finding deep rest.

A few years ago during a very difficult time in my life, I decided to pull out a cup and saucer from my grandmother's beautiful china I inherited and drink a cup of tea. As I cradled the warm, delicate cup in my hands and brought it to my lips, I thought to myself: "why don't I treat myself with the reverence, love, and care that I give this cup?

What would it look like for you to hold yourself in that deep love to kindle and protect the flame of your soul within?

Over this last month, my friend Joel Wilcox who is a fabulous guitar player came over and we have been working on recording a few songs for my album Rising Free. My mantra/song I Am Worthy is rooted in this kindling and I am so excited to share a full length preview with you here:

video preview

Or if you are in town and free, you could explore the darkness and how to kindle your flame in my Vocal Empowerment workshop next Saturday. I would be honored to have you spend the morning with me, even if you attended the previous one. Then we can sing together I Am Worthy!

And if you are farther away (or close by) consider joining with others online in collective kindling as this week I will be opening my online community!

I would love to have you as a founding member! Just click the button below and fill out a request for membership!

And finally we had an incredible Knightingale Studio Concert on Nov. 17th. Everyone sang with their souls and it was a powerful evening. The next morning, my heart was so full of love and warmth and I am thankful for everyone that sang and everyone that came out to support these beautiful folks!

I hope that in the days leading up to the Winter Solstice, Christmas and the New Year you can find time to light a candle at dusk and sit as the darkness descends and see what it might teach you. I will be thinking of you and sending you love and strength for the journey.

Love and light,

💜Mary Jane Knight


I Have A Voice, SATB Choral Octavo

This is an empowering anthem perfect for a high school, community, or church choir. The music is accessible with two... Read more

332 E Davenport St., Iowa City, IA 52245-2106
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Mary Jane Knight

As a vocal artist, composer, sacred space holder, and host of Voices of Healing online community, Mary Jane is on a mission to help people discover the magic and healing power of the incredible, unique human voice. She sends a heartfelt and intentional newsletter once a month, designed to uplift and inspire. Words from her heart, straight to your inbox.​

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